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Sunday, January 3, 2010

He doesn't want to eat what babies should eat...

Mmm, ribbon!

My baby boy is an interesting guy. He's at that age where EVERYTHING goes in his mouth. As his horizons widen, he's actually EATING more of the things he chews on. Sometimes I feel like a forensic scientist when I change his diaper. What on earth did Gator eat?!

So far, he loves to chew (and swallow) all sorts of paper products. Kleenex is a favorite, but paper towels and any sort of paper or cardboard are popular choices as well. If only he'd eat real food with the gusto that he gives tissues.

Like his sister, he will happily sample dry cat food. Unlike his sister, but like the obese kitty that used to live with us, he doesn't discriminate against predigested cat food. That's right. I nearly threw up yesterday as I was trying to get the cat puke off his face and out of his mouth.

And then I wonder why I am being so selective about what people foods I give him? Maybe I should say to heck with allergies, this kid will eat any sort of weird thing he can get in his mouth.

The list of foods he has eaten is an atypical mixture of things we've deliberately given him and things his sister left laying around. I think we may go straight to table foods and skip more purees, since he's far more interested in bigger people food.

He's eight months old today. I'm another year old. His milestone feels a bit more exciting to me at the moment.