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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Book recommendations

Through the wonders of Facebook, I was recently reminded of the work of a talented photographer whose books would make a wonderful gift.

Marci Curtis's books have a sensitive, humorous approach. I've loved her work since I first saw Big Sister, Little Sister and she has completed more books since then. Of course, she is an amazing photographer in general!

If I knew I'd be having a pair of sisters, I'd already have Little Sister, Big Sister in my shopping cart as I try to familiarize my daughter with the concept of a sibling. (We may get it regardless.) 

One of the sets of sisters in that book has grown up more than I could have imagined. I was shocked to realize nine years had gone by since I met the Curtises.

If you or anyone you know is in the Troy, Michigan area, Marci is amazing when it comes to weddings and other photography. 

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