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Saturday, February 21, 2009

We're ready for spring.

So very very ready for spring.

This picture was taken during the first big thaw as the foot and a half of snow or so started to shrink. Someone saw her bike in the garage and couldn't wait to get on it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Babies having babies

My daughter told me she was pregnant tonight.

She's almost two, so I'm not taking the revelation too seriously, but still, no one wants to hear they will be a grandparent at my age, real or imaginary.

We've been trying to teach her to be nice to Mommy's belly (no jumping on it!) and otherwise prepare her for big sisterhood. Earlier tonight, she pointed to my stomach and said "There's a baby in there." Or more exactly, "Deres a baby in dere." That was quite a sentence and deduction for her to say it unprompted.

Later tonight, she saw my belly and I asked what was in it and she told me. A short time later, she lifted up her shirt and rubbed her belly, saying "baby in belly" as she pointed to HERS rather than mine. I said that's your belly, but the baby is in Mommy's belly. NO, she said, "me baby in belly."

Her daddy was quite surprised by the news.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Book recommendations

Through the wonders of Facebook, I was recently reminded of the work of a talented photographer whose books would make a wonderful gift.

Marci Curtis's books have a sensitive, humorous approach. I've loved her work since I first saw Big Sister, Little Sister and she has completed more books since then. Of course, she is an amazing photographer in general!

If I knew I'd be having a pair of sisters, I'd already have Little Sister, Big Sister in my shopping cart as I try to familiarize my daughter with the concept of a sibling. (We may get it regardless.) 

One of the sets of sisters in that book has grown up more than I could have imagined. I was shocked to realize nine years had gone by since I met the Curtises.

If you or anyone you know is in the Troy, Michigan area, Marci is amazing when it comes to weddings and other photography. 

The wonders of Facebook

I've recently gotten with the times and created a page. I'm amazed at how many people I've reconnected with in a short time. It's both exciting and depressing to see what my former classmates are doing. I'm proud of their successes, but it also makes me wonder what my life might be like if I'd made different choices at critical times. 

I don't have the professional accomplishments I'd hoped to have by this stage in life, but I do have a husband, 1.5 kids, and a life I can deal with. One that can go from satisfying to immensely frustrating in the span of minutes. No, seconds.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Baby Rutabaga?

My "your pregnancy this week" update from Babycenter said that at 25 weeks the baby is about the size of a rutabaga. Which was about as helpful as telling me it was the size of a whatzaboogiewooga. 

I looked it up and apparently a rutabaga some sort of turnip or something similar. The pictures on wikipedia didn't help me visualize my baby at all.

Thankfully, the baby doesn't seem to look like a turnip.

21 week ultrasound

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Britax sale!

Amazon has Britax car seats on sale for an average of 20% off for the first two weeks of February. Other stuff is on sale too. Check it out! 

We have a Britax Marathon in our larger vehicle and a Britax Roundabout in our other. The Marathon is great for my child and her long torso. She's been happily and safely rear-facing for 23 months in both cars. We need to turn her in the shorter Roundabout. 

I recommend spending the extra money for the Marathon unless you have space constraints in your car. The taller shell will last much longer! Many children outgrow other convertible carseats long before they reach the max weight listed. The longer the torso and the lower the harness slots, the faster the seat is outgrown.